Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Martha wins this round

My last post was months ago, so whatever Martha Stewart is doing, it's way more than I have been doing in this regard!

But no matter, I have my lists, and my clippings, my thoughts and ideas.  I will get them on here, I will!

Pinterest will probably help me with that.  If only I could get paid to be on Pinterest, I would be a millionaire!  I love that site.  It is good for so many things, food, cute boys, clothes, funny stuff, you name it, it's on there.  Like my new obsession, SteamPunk!  I don't know why I love SteamPunk so much, but I do.  I am drawn to it.  (SteamPunk A type of subculture that mixes the clothing styles of past generations (such as the Victorian era) with modern conveniences, creating inventions that look as if they could have been created generations ago.......thanks  I really don't understand why I love it so much, but you know when you just instantly like things for no obvious reason, that is this to me!  (look me up under my name Pamela Doell Varga and you can see my boards!)  

I am trying, I think about being on here and sharing my finds with everyone, but other things like real life keep getting in the way!  I am still on the journey to becoming organized, so bear with me!  I swear, the day before I die, I will have all my crap together...and then I'll die.  But at least I can say I have enjoyed the journey!

Stay tuned for useful information.....but please...don't hold your breath while waiting!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Like Martha Stewart, only not as anal retentive

Did I mention that I am changing this blog? I think I did. I have been gathering ideas and things that I like, or want to try, for a few years. I have them all sorted and ready to go. This blog will be about household stuff, make-up, food tips, restaurant reviews and all that other domestic and useable stuff.

I look forward to telling you all the things I learn. I will probably be rating make-up first because I just bought all new stuff. Isn't that exciting? Well, it might be.

I also want to make a terrarium in this huge jar that I have. I have some tips on how to do that, so once that is done, that'll be here too. I do not have a green thumb, so it'll be interesting. I have a bunch of plants growing in my kitchen - I planted them from seeds and they seem to be doing well. The trick is to keep them alive once I put them outside. On the other hand, I kill most house plants, so the fact that I have grown anything is pretty amazing!

I have to go put away the groceries before I forget that I have them. The kids are back in school on Monday, but I am going to need a few days to unwind. A few lunches out, some shopping trips, and then maybe I'll have something to put up. I really hope I do!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bad me

I've have been neglecting this blog. I'd like to split things apart and write about different things on each different blog. Goodness knows I have prepared for that.

I have a studio in my basement that now holds all my paperwork, the things I have collected over the years. I am going to put them to use......soon. I swear that they are all organized! I can pick an article and use it as my topic, then write about what I think of it and things pertaining to it. I really do like to share my ideas and this way I am not out talking about them and paining people to listen to me. You get to choose to read...or not, it will be your choice! Aren't you lucky. So keep an eye on this one, I start work on it next week!