Friday, April 13, 2012

Like Martha Stewart, only not as anal retentive

Did I mention that I am changing this blog? I think I did. I have been gathering ideas and things that I like, or want to try, for a few years. I have them all sorted and ready to go. This blog will be about household stuff, make-up, food tips, restaurant reviews and all that other domestic and useable stuff.

I look forward to telling you all the things I learn. I will probably be rating make-up first because I just bought all new stuff. Isn't that exciting? Well, it might be.

I also want to make a terrarium in this huge jar that I have. I have some tips on how to do that, so once that is done, that'll be here too. I do not have a green thumb, so it'll be interesting. I have a bunch of plants growing in my kitchen - I planted them from seeds and they seem to be doing well. The trick is to keep them alive once I put them outside. On the other hand, I kill most house plants, so the fact that I have grown anything is pretty amazing!

I have to go put away the groceries before I forget that I have them. The kids are back in school on Monday, but I am going to need a few days to unwind. A few lunches out, some shopping trips, and then maybe I'll have something to put up. I really hope I do!