Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno

I've just picked up this book and another by the same author, The Eat Clean Diet for Family and Kids. I have just started to read them and they are making a whole lot of sense so far. It's not rocket science, it's all about eating clean, meaning natural foods. Nothing processed, which, as far as I'm concerned, processed foods are the devils work and will wreak havoc on your body. So why do we eat them? Well in one word, a lot of those foods are YUMMY! Chocolate bars, french fries, fast food, do I need to go on? It's a really simple idea, eat foods that are just what they are, fruit, veggies, meat, whole grains.
I'm not an expert on this..yet, but when I know more, I will post that too. It just seems like a really good thing to do. Put good fuel into your body and I think good things will happen. Put crap in your body and you'll look and feel like crap. I am tired of looking and feeling like crap. My skin won't clear, I have trouble losing weight and I am so bloody tired ALL the time. There doesn't seem to be anything medically wrong with me, so let's see how I feel once I start eating better. I've been trying really hard to eat better, and because it's a work in progress, it's a slow process. You can't just change everything overnight. Well you could, but the chances of it sticking are slim to none. So I start with breakfast, then lunch and go from there. Some days I remember to eat just fruit and veg for snacks, and even that helps. Both books have lots of recipes and after the kids go back to school, I'll let you know what I've tried and liked.

1 comment:

  1. You should read Skinny Bitch. It is a great book full of facts about the food we put into our bodies and not just "don't eat this, its bad", but this is why it is bad, what it contains and what it does to your body when you eat it and why you feel the way you do when you eat it. It will keep you laughing out loud literally! Its not a book you want to leave laying around with the kids there as some of the language is completely inappropriate, but do read it!

    The only thing in it I have a hard time picturing for myself is that the ultimate outcome is vegan. But, HEY!! I'll bend the rules a little. I think you take from it what you can live with and work hard on that part. And you are right. Even this book says baby steps if you want to succeed. Start with one vice and work towards the next so you don't crash and burn!

    Im going to get the books you have and check them out as well.
