Thursday, March 24, 2011

The agony of da feet......get it???

Yes it's the feet again, or rather I should say foot. Just the one, the bad left foot that has become evil and is mere pains away from being amputated. All I wanted to do was play some soccer, is that too much to ask??? They had open soccer at the YMCA and the kids and hubby and I played with a very diverse group of people. I don't think my team won, but who knows. I played defense and got burned by a 16 year old kid several times. I played goal keeper and got nailed in the belly. That kid felt really bad about it, but I told him I was used to it. Apparently a good goal keeper doesn't close her eyes while trying to stop a goal!

I'm still doing laser therapy for the foot, and the girls that take care of me are fabulous. They are a bit stumped by me. They have no idea why I am not responding to treatment. Amphy, the torture lady, took me to the torture room and did a "release' on my calf and hips. That ending with me covered in bruises. Now don't get me wrong, she is doing a good job, but with any physiotherapy, there is pain and bruising involved at times. If she wasn't such a nice person, I would hate her. They have no idea what they are going to do with me now...I guess keep going on the laser amped up to top strength, stretching and icing. What else can I do? I did the orthopedics and cortisone shots already. Maybe it's time to consider surgery?

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